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Chin-ups, Pull-ups and Goal Setting

Pura Vida

Me in January …..‘My goal for June is to be able to do 6 unassisted pull ups.’

Last Friday, a few months earlier than anticipated, I completed 6 unassisted pull ups. After many years of being able to do 10-12 chin-ups (palms facing you), I set myself a goal to progress to Pull-ups. I have tried this on and off for the last couple of years but didn’t really set myself a goal so the challenge passed. So…this January, I set a goal to be able to complete 6 pull ups by June. Last Friday, I achieved my goal and it felt amaaaazing!

A pull up is a movement where you hang from a bar with your palms facing away from you, and then pull yourself up until your chest meets the bar. It’s a super hard exercise and one that has taken me years to master.

Why did I want to be able to do this? Mainly to prove I could. Anyone who knows me, knows I am super stubborn! As someone who fell in love with lifting weights and strength training about 11 years ago, it also felt like a really awesome goal — something to work towards that seemed almost impossible but would be very satisfying to achieve.

So what’s next? As I smashed out my goal a little earlier than anticipated, I have now set myself a new goal to work on wide grip pull-ups (yes, these are even harder than pull-ups). The video below shows a bit of leg swinging and I know my arms should probably be a bit wider, so I will work hard over the next couple of months to correct this. My new goal is to smash out 6 wide grip pull-ups, with good form by the end of June. This is going to be tough but I will get there.

I give credit to any woman who can do chin-ups, pull-ups or wide grip pull-ups. You are all amazing and I take my hat off to each and every one of you. It’s such a hard and long process, but when you do your first ever unassisted pull-up or chin-up, it’s the most incredible feeling. Oh....and did I mention I will be celebrating 51 years on this incredible planet in May? Who said it's harder for women to keep muscle mass and stay strong when they get older????? I say pfffffff to all of them!

Setting SMART goals are so important in reaching a fitness objective. They can help keep you on track and remind you of your priorities, so you are able to follow through with every workout or healthy meal you have planned.

Do you have a goal? If you would like any help in achieving this, contact me for a chat to see how I can help you.

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